Your way to us
You will find our business location at:
Strahlenberger Strasse 105, D-63067 Offenbach a.M. – directly at the new Kaiserlei roundabout with first-class traffic connection via the A661 highway.
Shop and offices on the 2nd floor – elevator available.
Easy approach by car without any inner city traffic or traffic jam; either coming via the Gerbermühlstraße from Frankfurt-Sachsenhausen straight ahead or via the highway exit Offenbach-Kaiserlei (from all directions).
At highway exit Kaiserlei take the direction Frankfurt-Oberrad / Frankfurt-Sachsenhausen and after only 50 meters you will find us on the right side, directly behind a well-known burger chain.
Parking in front of the building, or turn right behind the building and then directly right-hand through a gate onto the backward paring space.
S-Bahn station Kaiserlei, with S-1 S-2 S-8 S-9 directly from Frankfurt main station in only 12 minutes direct ride!
In order to avoid waiting times period and to ensure competent advice, we ask for an appointment by phone: +49 (0)69-231419.